
RUSSEL D. ARCHIBALD, PMI partner (member number 6) and also APM/IPMA partner. He held engineering and executive positions in many companies in USA, France, Mexico and Venezuela.
Since 1982, Russ has consulted in Project Management to companies, agencies and development banks in 16 countries on 4 continents, and has taught project management principles and practices to thousands of managers and specialists around the world.
He’s a bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is listed in “Who’s_Who_in_the_World”.

Dr. Archibald wrote “Managing High-Tecnology Programs and Projects”, which is a classic within Project Management literature. The first edition was published in 1976, and was revolutionaire at that time.
This book influenced the main leaders into the Project Management field all over the world, and is considered as a classic of its genre. It was never outdated. The book was published in russian, italian and, in 2005, simplified chinese. Russ also released many other books and articles about Project Management.
Russ created a virtual community focused on the improvement of Project Management as a science. Nowadays, this community has several representatives in many countries, including Brazil.
Web site :

Darci Prado is a consultant for INDG (Institute for Managerial Development).He majored in Chemical Engineering and also has postgraduate work in Economics Engineering and Logistics and Doctored in Engineering by UNICAMP. He worked for IBM and was an associate teacher at the Engineering Science College at UFMG. He wrote a series of 5 books about Project Management, published under INDG-Tecs. He is also the creator of MEPCP methodology, the MMGP maturity model and SISGEP software for project management. He consulted tenths of brazilian companies and has trained more than 2,000 professionals all over Brazil.

Collaborated on the foundation of PMI chapters in Minas Gerais and Paraná states, and was a board member of the Minas Gerais chapter from 1998 to 2002. Actually he is a member of the Consulting Board of PMI-MG and member of the Editorial Council of “Mundo PM” magazine.
His college experience includes graduate and postgraduate training at UFMG, Dom Cabral foundation and UNICAMP.
His book, “Maturidade em Gerenciamento de Projetos ” (Project Management Maturity), 2nd edition published under INDG-Tecs, is pionner reference book in Brazil.
E-mail: [email protected]
The MPCM history started in 2001, when Russel Archibald created an international community, over the Web, to develop improvements to the Project Management science, with his Project Categories Model as the starting point.
On december 2002, Darci Prado releases his maturity model (Prado-MMGP) on the second edition of his book on “Gerenciamento de Programas e Projetos nas Organizações” (“Program and Project Management in Organizations”).
On december 2004, Russel Archibald and Darci Prado establish a partnership to release an internet survey using Archibald’s Project Categories model and Prado-MMGP model.
On 2005, the main team of volunteers responsible for the website and survey methodology was formed. Then, from october to december of that year, 260 brazilian participants took part on the survey.