Who can answer

Who can answer this survey

This survey is open to everybody and is free of charge. However, the main purpose of this work is to evaluate the maturity level of departments (or sections) where Project Management is employed, such as Information Technology, Engineering/Construction/Assembly, New Product Development, etc.
  • Information Technology;
  • New Product Development;
  • Inovation;
  • Equipment Installation;
  • Ventures (facility construction, investments, large reconstructions, etc);
  • Construction;
  • R&D; 
  • Etc. 

Thus, it is desirable that the person who wishes to answer the survey is a: 

  • Head of department;
  • Coordinator of the department’s PMO (Project Management Office);
  • Direct advisor of the roles descripted above, fully informed about the way projects are managed within the department, including involved staff, available training, etc.
This option can be used by students who wish a better understanding of the model. This data won’t be included on the statistical analysis.
This option can be used by people who wish a better understanding of the model. This data won’t be included on the statistical analysis.