How to answer the questionnaire

This text was written to facilitate the process of filling out the questionnaire.

Initially, it is important to inform that the questionnaire must be answered separately by each sector of the organization that has a project portfolio. Sometimes the sector also has a PMO. Each sector must provide a single response to the questionnaire, according to the process described below. Occasionally, there may be interest from several people in the same sector who want to know more about the subject and have the experience of answering the questionnaire separately. In this case, you can use a printed version of the questionnaire, available on the website (see Information > Questionnaire). Please note, however, that this should only be done so that such people know the subject in advance and not to believe that such answers should be provided to the site. As stated, for each sector of an organization only one respondent.

What we recommend is the following:

First of all, read some sections of this website that contain instructions on how to proceed in the “Information” and “Guidelines” tabs.

When you enter the website for the first time, you are asked to register, where you provide user data (name, email, password, telephone number, etc.). After this, we enter the questionnaire itself. Please note that this questionnaire contains two large sections:

A. 31 questions to provide organization and sector data, and sector performance data;

B. 40 questions to assess the maturity of the sector.

If necessary, you can leave the site without finishing answering all the questions and return later to answer the remaining questions.

We strongly suggest answering the questions above in two stages:

Moment 1: Answer only the initial 31 questions. Since they require real data from the organization, it is difficult to predict how long it will take to respond. It may be that such data is widely known and easily accessible and, therefore, 10 minutes are enough to answer all 31 questions. On the other hand, the data may not be easily available and it may take a day or two or even a week.

Moment 2: After this, answer the maturity questionnaire (40 questions). If possible, read the first chapters of the book “Project Management Maturity” in advance, especially chapter 8.

For this last questionnaire, we have the following options to answer the 40 questions:

OPTION A – Answers provided by a single person.

The questionnaire can be answered by a single person working alone and without influence from other people. In this case, it usually takes between 30 minutes and 60 minutes to answer all 40 questions. Certainly the person responsible for this task must have in-depth knowledge of the work in the sector in question.

OPTION B – Answers provided in a brainstorming session with a group of people.

This is a very robust option and allows for greater assertiveness. It is strongly recommended when you want to use the answers to create a Growth Plan.

  1. Schedule a meeting and convene a small group of people who are heavily involved with projects in that sector (maximum 5 people). Allow 1 to 3 hours for the meeting.

  2. Choose a Facilitator for the meeting. He must have prior knowledge of the questionnaire. To do this, it is convenient to print the questionnaire available on the website, section Information > Questionnaire.

  3. For the meeting, you need 2 computers:

    1. A computer connected to the internet and, if possible, projecting onto a large TV screen so that everyone can read the texts. Click on “Maturity Assessment” to start the process.

    2. Another computer with a table that will contain STRENGTHS / WEAKNESSES for each question. Use, for example, MS-Excel for this.

  4. The answer to each question is provided as follows:

    1. The Facilitator reads the TEXT of the question and the answer OPTION A.

    2. The Facilitator starts a brainstorming session in which participants raise Strengths / Weaknesses on that topic. This information is recorded on the second computer.

    3. After about 10 minutes of brainstorming (some questions take less time; others more time), the discussion ends. Read what was written in WEAKNESSES and try to find out the best answer to that question. See tips in chapter 8.

  5. After all questions have been correctly completed, the Results Report is automatically provided.

  6. The “Weaknesses” document can be used to create a Growth Plan. To do this, read chapters 17 to 20 of the book “Maturity in Project Management” by Editora Falconi (

To answer the questionnaire go to: