2024 – Message from coordination
Darci Prado
In 2024, a maturity survey was not officially conducted in Brazil through the website www.maturityresearch.com, as no call was made for this purpose. The previous survey had been conducted in 2021 and our plan is to conduct the next one exactly in 2024. However, the economic scenario did not show enough strength to justify the survey (projects in organizations are closely linked to the strength of the economy). On the other hand, we would like to remind you that this website is permanently available and the maturity questionnaire can be answered at any time by anyone, whether they are a project management professional, a student or simply curious. We observed that, in 2024, 117 PM professionals responded to the questionnaire. So, we decided to take advantage of this data and publish some reports on our website.
The sample size of 117 is adequate for producing general reports, but it is not adequate for expanding the sample to produce special reports (e.g., exclusively for the Construction area or for the Information Technology category), since the sample sizes would be too small and statistically inadequate. This is unfortunate, since we are deprived of important information, but we have decided to publish what we can.
In general, the data presented in the reports show that there is a direct relationship between maturity and performance indicators. In other words, the greater the maturity: the greater the overall success and the lower the failure; the lower the delay; the lower the cost overrun; the higher the percentage of execution of the planned scope. Furthermore, the greater the maturity, the greater the perception, by senior management, of the importance of project management in adding value to the organization.
The main overall results for 2024 were:
Average Maturity in Brazil: 2.58
Success Rates:
- Total Success: 55%
- Partial Success: 33%
- Failure: 12%
Average Delay: 30%
Average Cost Overrun: 21%
Achievement of Planned Scope: 73%
In addition to the values above, it is important to highlight that our maturity model continues to demonstrate robustness, as it has always done since the first survey in 2005. The data from this 2024 survey demonstrated, once again, that the more mature an organization, the greater its level of success.
Enjoy your Reading!
Belo Horizonte – January 2025