Below is the list of allowed businesses for the organizations. This table is in the questionnaire, into the “business identification” section.
1. Agriculture, Cattle Raising, Silviculture e Forest Exploration
2. Food and beverage
3. Banking, finance and insurance
4. Trading
5. Construction
6. Consulting
7. Defense, Security and Aeronautics
8. Distribution (Water, gas)
9. Education
10. Electronics
11. Engineering
12. Electrical Energy (Production and/or Distribution)
13. Pharmaceutical
14. Mining
15. Metallurgy and Steelmaking
16. Paper and Cellulose
17. Oil and Gas
18. Chemical
19. Refractories, Ceramic and Glass
20. Health
21. Information Technology (Hardware & Software)
22. Telecommunications
23. Textile
24. Transportation, Storage & Services, Logistics
25. Tourism & Sports
26. Automotive & Automotive Parts
27. Clothing, Footwear, Fashion and Sports Equipment
28. Other