Message from Coordination

Darci Prado


We are once again making available to the Brazilian public the results of the Project Management Maturity Survey, which we have been doing since 2005. It is the result of the effort of a large team of volunteers who dedicated a good part of their own time to produce this material.


In 2021, we had 181 participants involving 4,525 projects. This brand is the result of an intelligent dissemination that can only be achieved through the robust partnerships signed with renowned institutions such as PMI, IPMA, regional SUCESU, CBIC members, educational institutions, MundoPM magazine, CREA, etc. Our sincere thanks to them.


The main overall results for 2021 were:

Average maturity in Brazil: 2.94

Success Indexes:

  • Total success: 60%
  • Partial success: 31%
  • Failure: 9%

Average delay: 21%

Average cost overrun: 12%

Achievement of the planned scope: 79%


In addition to the above values, it is important to note that our maturity model continues to demonstrate robustness, as it has always done, since the first survey in 2005. The data from this 2021 survey once again demonstrated that the more mature an organization, the greater its level of success.


We also have the following information about the last 6 searches performed:





















On the other hand, we continue with significant participation from the academic public that uses our website to download reports or articles from our Virtual Library and, mainly, to respond to the maturity questionnaire.
These tasks will usually fill the text of master’s dissertations, TCCs from postgraduate courses, and even doctoral theses. We are very honored to have the academy participation on our website. However, it is important to inform the reader that the data provided by academic professionals are not part of the database we use to compose the research reports presented on our website. Here, only data from professionals formally allocated to ompanies with a real portfolio of projects.


Regarding the survey reports, it is possible to notice that, for the year 2021, the total number of reports (8) is slightly lower than in 2017 (13). The reason is that some categories were not able to reach the minimum number of participants (60) necessary to produce an exclusive report, and the reader will notice the absence of the following traditional reports:


    • Government
    • State of São Paulo
    • North/Northeast Region
    • Category “Organizational and Operational Improvements”
    • Category “Information Systems”


If the reader is interested, we suggest consulting research from previous years on this site, where these reports are present.


Good news for this year is the presence of the segment report “Construction Industry”, which was not published
in the 2017 survey due to lack of quorum. The good moment of real estate construction that the country has been experiencing since 2019 was reflected in the strong presence of participants in this very important group, which accounts for almost 10% of Brazilian GDP.


Finally, we cannot pass up the opportunity to share with our website users and with our survey participants the good news we received in October 2020. The editorial of the digital magazine PM World Journal puts our work in the spotlight on the international stage:


“The best PM maturity research and best evidence of a PM maturity model being used by organizations that I am aware of is that developed in Brazil by Prof Darci Prado, and the associated research into organizational PM maturity run in Brazil since 2005.”


See more details at:

Whatever Happened to Organizational Project Management Maturity? 

In closing, happy reading and enjoy!


Belo Horizonte (Brazil) – January 2022