


Do as dozens of
brazilian organizations

Evaluate maturity and establish a growth plan.
Maturity research in project management
(since 2005)
2024 Maturity Research Results
We are making the results for participants in the maturity assessment in 2024 available to the reader. As shown in the following figure, high-performance organizations (levels 4 and 5) present 40% more Total Success when compared to low-performance organizations (levels 1 and 2). And, mainly, high-performing organizations have a Failure Rate almost half lower than low-performing ones. Failure is linked to not achieving goals and strategies (and associated benefits) and financial and human waste that was applied to projects that did not produce the expected results. There is a significant opportunity here for those organizations in this research whose indicators point to low performance (58% of the sample). Certainly medium-performance organizations (40% of the sample) can benefit from this Evolution. Click here to see 2024 results
High Performance Organizations (Benchmark Organizations)
As shown in the following figure, benchmark companies have strong adherence to the characteristics of all dimensions. How to reach a level of excellence: there is no single rule for how to advance in each dimension. Each case is unique. An assessment must be carried out to identify the best and most appropriate tools, methodology, organizational structure, governance, etc. Click here to access the Benchmark Report.
How to create a Growth Plan
Carry out a maturity assessment and create a Growth Plan to reach a level of excellence (i.e., maturity above 4 and Total Success above 80%). The plan is created based on the list of weaknesses (or needs for improvement) obtained during the maturity assessment. The journey may occur in a few cycles, depending on the starting point. For suggestions on how to answer the maturity questionnaire, click here. The book “Maturity in Project Management” / 4th edition Brazilian-portuguese language – / contains rich instructions on how to assess maturity, identify weaknesses, how to put together a Growth Plan and, also, how to run the plan.

How to evaluate the
maturity of your organization ?

Through this website you can assess the maturity in project management of private companies, municipalities, government agencies and third sector.

To get started, click Maturity Evaluation in the top right corner. THE RESULT IS PROVIDED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CORRECT FILLING IN THE FORM.


  • Important note:
  • We strongly suggest that those interested in assessing maturity follow the instructions contained in the Orientation Section, which can be accessed in the main menu above. In addition to it, the Information Section is also very useful when filling out the questionnaire.



This site is plenty in information and shows the results of research already done considering various stratifications, such as Private Enterprise, Government, Software Development, Construction Industry, etc.

In the section Virtual Library you have at your disposal a selected collection of articles which show the state-of-the-art of the subject “maturity” in Brazil and abroad

Tribute to Archibald

Russell Dean Archibald, one of the world’s best known and most popular project management experts, passed away at his home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico on Sunday, May 3rd , 2020 at the age of 96. 

He was a founding trustee and member #6 of the Project Management Institute (PMI) in 1969, today the world’s largest professional organization serving the project management field. He was also a founding member (#3) of the Association for Project Management (APM) in the UK in 1972. Russ had more than 70 years of broad international experience in program and project management, as well as operations and engineering management. 

His career includes organizations like USAF, ITT, Bendix and Booz Allen and Hamilton, He consulted in 16 countries on 4 continents to large and small companies in telecommunications, information technology, industrial, engineering, construction, consumer product and service sectors, plus federal and local government agencies and international development banks.

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